Die Suche ergab 42 Treffer

von f6itu
Mo Apr 01, 2019 8:12 am
Forum: Charly 25
Thema: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 12674

Re: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16

Just another general remark Completely agreed with Rene opinion : original Hermes lpf is not the best you can find. But using an 9th order filter would have taken quite a lot of place on the board. some real improvement could be done, using T68 -or T60 at least- toroids. The original filter uses T50...
von f6itu
Mo Apr 01, 2019 7:43 am
Forum: Charly 25
Thema: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 12674

Re: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16

... just a short note to DC9EO

Please Edwin, keep on writting in German. I really can read your language (und ein wenig Bayerisch also) without difficulties (6 years of German at school) but I would feel ashame if you could see how much bad my German grammar is.
VY 73'
Marc f6itu
von f6itu
Fr Mär 22, 2019 11:20 am
Forum: Charly 25
Thema: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 12674

Re: Ein sehr übersteuerungsfestes Tiefpassfilter (Anti Alaiasing) für STEMLAB 16

Hi in fact, the "Alexiares" structure of the lpf section is in the TX path, and the 6m lpf filter is permanently "in circuit". In other words, when receiving, the signal goes thru a first "toroid based" antialiasing filter AND the MCL integrated lpf located at each RX i...
von f6itu
Di Feb 05, 2019 10:22 pm
Forum: Software
Thema: SPI und I2C gleichzeitig und SPI bug?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 5917

Re: SPI und I2C gleichzeitig und SPI bug?

Hi Rene >gibt es eine möglichkeit den SPI für Alex und den I2C fürs Audio gleichzeitig zu nutzen? as far as I know, the I2S is sharing the same output with the Alex SPI bus... so I'm affraid it's not possible >Betreibt von euch jemand den RP mit einem Alexsystem? yes, I do >Wenn ja, funktioniert das...
von f6itu
Mi Jan 16, 2019 10:23 am
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: Wich average "out power" with PowerSDR ?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 5842

Re: Wich average "out power" with PowerSDR ?

Answer to myself : the power variation of the "drive" cursor in PowerSDR gives a constant delta of 20 dB, and the "PA Gain" gives the possibility to "offset" these 20 dB, thus controling the max and min output power delivered by the Red Pitaya board. If PA Gain is set t...
von f6itu
Di Jan 15, 2019 6:28 pm
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: Wich average "out power" with PowerSDR ?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 5842

Wich average "out power" with PowerSDR ?

Hi Red Pitaya Hams I would like to know which power level do you use to reach the best tradeoff when transmitting with the Red Pitaya. By default, if all TX params remain unchanged, the "full throttle" output power is around 0 dBm. The max output power reaches between 9 and 10 dBm when &qu...
von f6itu
Sa Jan 05, 2019 5:44 pm
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 8444

Re: Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr

<r>I've probably read more than 100 times Pavel's notes... how could I have missed this. Or, worst, refuse to see it. <br/> "<I><s>[i]</s>slow analog inputs can be used for the forward (Analog input 0) and reverse (Analog input 1) power measurement<e>[/i]</e></I>"<br/> <br/> I really feel ashame not...
von f6itu
Sa Jan 05, 2019 9:55 am
Forum: Allgemeines
Thema: Red Pitaya - lohnt ein Kauf
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 7128

Re: Red Pitaya - lohnt ein Kauf

Hi Ralf and Chatt I'm afraid nobody can answer your question. In fact, everything depends on “what” you intend to measure, and “with which precision”. In other words, basic applications are perfect to explain instrumentation and measure to students. But not more. Let’s just give an example: you cann...
von f6itu
Sa Jan 05, 2019 9:38 am
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 8444

Re: Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr

Thank you, Siegfried and Yevgueni

I was just remembering something like that, but couldn't retreive this info.

I'll try to add some buffering or limitation (Zener ? ) to avoid killing the gpio. Thanks again to both of you, you make my day :- DD

Marc f6itu
von f6itu
Do Jan 03, 2019 6:06 pm
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 8444

Power/swr meter with "openhpsdr transceiver" frmwr

Hi Amongst the many way PowerSDR mRX manages the forward and reflected power display, one consists using 2 analog input (plugged to a so called "commodity ADC on HPSDR hardware), those two lines comming from the FWD and REV power voltages delivered by a simple VSWR tandem bridge. I'd like to kn...
von f6itu
So Nov 25, 2018 12:36 pm
Forum: LinHPSDR
Thema: LinHPSDR und Mint
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8553

Re: LinHPSDR und Mint

Hi Winfried - did you configure PulseAudio to "connect" the linhpsdr input on "simultaneous output to audio internal analog stereo" ? as long as PulseAudio don't "see" linhpsdr, you won't be able to ear anything... you'll have to fiddle a little bit (output and input pe...
von f6itu
Di Okt 23, 2018 6:08 pm
Forum: Pavel HPSDR
Thema: Neue Software für den Red Pitaya von Pavel Demin Version 20181022
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7136

Re: Neue Software für den Red Pitaya von Pavel Demin Version 20181022

Hallo Thomas I would say "no" if you are not using the VNA function, if you don't intend to use the FT8 digital mode, and if you regularly update your local system (with the "apk" utility) from a more general point of view, I will upgrade anyway.... for security reasons. A new ve...
von f6itu
So Okt 14, 2018 10:12 am
Forum: Peripheri
Thema: Tandembridge für Pure Signal verwenden?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7120

Re: Tandembridge für Pure Signal verwenden?

Hi Just a stupid question : what is the impedance on the sma fwd connector when something is plugged on it ? the input Z of the AD8307 is 50 Ohms. The output network of Loftür's coupler is 50 Ohms also https://3f7d437a-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/lofturj/power-and-swr-meter---rev/Power%...
von f6itu
Sa Aug 11, 2018 7:55 pm
Forum: RX Hardware
Thema: RX-Frontend von DC2PD
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 11872

Re: RX-Frontend von DC2PD

Bonjour Alexander

Did you check the email address written at the end of the article (dc2pd at darc.de) ?

von f6itu
Di Jul 03, 2018 11:27 am
Forum: Red Pitaya
Thema: RedPitaya SCL/SDA defekt
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7916

Re: RedPitaya SCL/SDA defekt

Hi Uli The simplest way to analyze a I2C bus is to plug an entry level logic analyzer on the output of the Red Pitaya https://www.amazon.fr/AZDelivery-Logic-Analyser-compatible-version/dp/B01MUFRHQ2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530609637&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=logic+analyzer+fx2 If you a...
von f6itu
So Jun 17, 2018 9:27 pm
Forum: Anleitungen/Bilder zu Bauprojekten
Thema: Yet another embedded Red Pitaya rig
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7704

Re: Yet another embedded Red Pitaya rig

Oh, certainly Sigy I’ll try to be as precise as possible and will always answer (or try to answer) to any question In a few words : We are a group of French hams who decided to build a series of “HPSDR compatible” rigs. Some decided to build an angelia pcb (anan 100D) from component level, others ha...
von f6itu
Sa Jun 16, 2018 8:34 pm
Forum: Anleitungen/Bilder zu Bauprojekten
Thema: Yet another embedded Red Pitaya rig
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7704

Yet another embedded Red Pitaya rig

Hallo Red Pitaya Freunde This Red Pitaya transceivers is using the SPI bus (Thanks to Pavel for this incredibly nice feature) and a personal retrofit of the Alexiares frontend, offering all the functions controlled by PowerSDR or LinHPSDR (filter section of the Setup menu) red pitaya small.jpg This ...
von f6itu
Mo Apr 23, 2018 9:06 pm
Forum: Allgemeines
Thema: Webseite über mein SDR-Projekt
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9173

Re: Webseite über mein SDR-Projekt

Hi Manfred Never heard of "alpha & omega" before. And these FET are definitely better than FQP13xx. Thanks for the tip and the reference. The 416 is hard to find in Europe, but TME is selling the AOT412 which is very close in term of characteristics Seems nice for low cost RF amps :-) ...
von f6itu
Mo Apr 23, 2018 12:04 pm
Forum: Allgemeines
Thema: Webseite über mein SDR-Projekt
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9173

Re: Webseite über mein SDR-Projekt

Hi Manfred That's not frightening at all... it is strongly encouraging and tempting just a stupid question : did you try to change the pair of IRF FET with a couple of FQP13N10 ? these are very cheap switching FET, same category of the IRF series, but have a lower input capacitance anyhow, this look...
von f6itu
Mo Jan 29, 2018 12:45 pm
Forum: RX Hardware
Thema: Probleme mit Abschwächer im Vorverstärker von DC2PD
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 24420

Re: Probleme mit Abschwächer im Vorverstärker von DC2PD

Pavel marks a point (and I feel stupid indeed)
you can't control a master/slave I2C dialog without connecting both
