SDR-Console Release Notes 3.0.26 Vorschau / unterstützt den RX-888

Das nächste Kit wird die Version 3.0.26 sein.

Erscheinungstermin ist der 14. Dezember 2020 – das gibt Zeit, bis der RX888 eintrifft und die neue Firmware implementiert ist.

Was ist der RX888, Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf der Seite von Nils Shiffhauer (DK80K)

Nils testet den RX-888: Ein Sub $200 16-Bit 32 MHz Bandbreite SDR

In letzter Zeit sind eine Menge erschwinglicher chinesischer Klon-SDRs auf den Markt gekommen, und der RX-888 ist einer der interessantesten. Der RX-888 scheint ein verbesserter Klon des RX-666 zu sein, der wiederum ein Klon ist, der von Oscar Steila (IK1XPV)’s BBRF103 Original-Open-Source-Design abgeleitet ist.

Der RX-888 basiert auf dem 16-Bit-ADC-Chip LTC2208, der in der Lage ist, den gesamten Frequenzbereich von 1 kHz bis 32 MHz über USB 3.0 mit direktem Sampling an den PC zu übertragen. Frequenzen von 32 MHz bis 1,8 GHz können auch über einen auf der Platine befindlichen R820T2-Tuner (der gleiche Tuner, der in den meisten RTL-SDRs verwendet wird) empfangen werden. Aufgrund der Bandbreitenbeschränkung des R820T2-Siliziums ist die Bandbreite oberhalb von 32 MHz auf 8 – 10 MHz begrenzt. Die wichtigste Änderung im Vergleich zum RX-666 scheint zu sein, dass es einen LNA gibt, der die Leistung bei Mittelwellen und kleinen Antennen verbessert, was beim RX-666 ein Problem war. Der RX-888 verfügt außerdem über mehrere Kühlkörper im Gehäuse, da die übermäßige Wärmeentwicklung des LTC2208 ADC ebenfalls ein Problem zu sein scheint.

3.0.26 Download & Release Notes


  • Support library updated.
  • Reduced CPU load with Airspy R1/R2/Mini when using reduced bandwidth.
  • Buffer overflow problem hopefully fixed.


  • Binaural Mode, when selected the lower sideband is in the left channel, upper sideband in the right channel. AM – not SAM.
Binaural Selection.jpg

UI changed – hopefully improvements :) .

  • Reorganised ribbon bar, Project split into project and Analysis.
  • Definition button renamed to Edit.
  • Definition bandwidths list no longer contains invalid entries.
  • Restart if analysis running now always shown.
Analysis Ribbon Bar.jpg
Analysis Ribbon Bar.jpg (19.13 KiB) Viewed 1149 times

Broadcast FM

  • Reduced CPU load when demodulating.
  • Added adaptive decimation, by default off.
BFM Decimation.jpg


  • Found obscure and potentially fatal bug when reading data from radio (buffer overrun).
  • Found a nasty bug in my XML parsing, this was exposed by the Rec/Playback interface. It may have caused random crashes elsewhere.
  • FFT Memory Leak Code which manages unused data was not correctly freeing memory, so if the FFT processing could not run in real time there was a serious memory leak.


  • Added 2.048 MHz bandwidth.

Datafile Editor
This is a new implementation of a program I wrote ~8 years ago as part of v2, this new incarnation supports WAV and WAV RF64 and is more efficient. Start the datafile editor from:

  • Start menu,
  • Ribbon Bar, Rec/Playback.

There is a help link at the bottom, at present all times are UTC. I’ll add support for local time later today. Complaints etc. to the usual address :) .

DataFileEditor 002.jpg

DX Cluster

  • Added a Send option to DX Cluster so commands can be sent while it’s running.
  • Double-clicking an entry in the DX Cluster selects that frequency.


  • Support finalised, VHF preamp no longer engaged on HF.
  • Fixed overload issues with loss of audio.
  • Added filter support, configure from Ribbon Bar, Home, Radio Configuration. Can select whether radio or display bandwidth is used when selecting a filter.
S3 Filters.jpg

External Radio

  • Added full mode mapping.

Geostationary Beacon

  • Reduced CPU load.


  • Added more sanity checks in an attempt to stop memory increasing due to runaway logic.
  • With a low power computer the reduced FFT resolution (1/2, 1/4, 1/8) selection is preserved.
  • Screenshot format changed to jpeg, quality setting 75%. As a result the size of an image is ~25% of the previous png format.
  • The modes panel has been updated with new abbreviations for BFM (BC-FM), NFM (N-FM) and WFM (W-FM).
ModesList.jpg (27.07 KiB) Viewed 1143 times
  • Code Consolidation I’m in the middle of moving all NCO and decimation into a separate DLL which will make maintenance and testing easier, I still have a bit more work to do. The DLL is DSPFunctions.dll. I’ve tested what I’ve done so far, it’s not exploded.

Hermes-Lite 2

  • Added TX Latency and PTT Hang Times in the TX Options.
  • Tested the new values to ensure then are sent to the HL2 base memory map.
HL2 TX Options.jpg
  • Discovery now works with direct connections – ethernet cable connecting the HL2 direct to the PC without a router.
  • As well as sending broadcast messages through all adapters a broadcast message is sent directly to
  • Change to Reset on Disconnect logic – HL2 now restarts more reliably.


  • Found two areas in the code where the Lime MINI transmit would not work on second attempt.
  • Tidied up code, consolidated setting TX LO frequency.
  • Tidied up logfile entries.


  • Restarting Pluto with Manal RF gain selected is fixed.
  • Now shows both the FPGA and tuner temperatures.
Pluto Temps.jpg

When Ribbon Bar, Rec/Playback, Data :: Playback, Open is selected additional checks and diagnostics are:

  • All calls to CFindFile wrapped in try/catch.
  • All progress texts also sent to the System Debugger, use DebugView to view.
  • If the software crashes then the output from DebugView will help.
  • Added Prev << and Next >> buttons to the ribbon bar: Rec/Playback, Data :: Playback. The Prev, Next list is the same files shown in the Select Recording window sorted by time and Title. (Buttons not yet added to the Playback Navigator, waiting for feedback.)

RTL Dongle

  • Added HF Mode options to the ribbon bar, these are accessible when using the dongle via the server.


  • The RX-666/RX-888 support has been separated into two DLLs, this is the only way I know which image file to load as there’s no reliable way to detect whether a device is a RX-666 or RX-888.
RX-666, RX-888.jpg
  • Added code to catch exceptions in Cypress library (yes, it blew up) when starting RX-666/888, also added a 100ms ’slug‘ after opening.
  • Added sanity checks to RX-666/888 background processing to catch memory leakage.
  • Added calibration steps of 0.01 and 0.001 for RX-666/888.
  • CPU reduction.
  • Restores previous settings on startup.
  • Reduced CPU load converting real to complex data.
  • Reduced CPU load when VHF bandpass filter is active.
  • Tidied up logfile, added more diagnostics when searching for and starting the radio. All logfile entries are sent to the system debugger, use DebugView if the program crashes, the output should help determine where the crash occurs.
  • Upgraded to the latest Cypress SDK version 1.3.4 (previously using 1.3.3).
  • The current driver version is also shown in the logfile, in the example below it’s
  • Added more checks to the device initialisation.
  • Improved calibration response time at VHF.
  • Fixed a gain bug when calibrating at VHF.
  • Calibration logic updated for VHF.
  • Detection logic now matches serial number of x0409 (1033).
  • RX666: Added Dither and Random options, there’s a new SDR being developed which is very similar to the RX666 but with significantly better performance and the team behind this new SDR asked for these two options. Will add Dither and Randomiser to RX888 when it arrives.

Satellite Tracking

  • Passes window min elevation range increased to 80°.
  • Added logfile diagnostics to find error with scheduler.


  • Renaming V3 Server definitions now works correctly.
  • Automatic restart after 24 hours when there are no connections.
  • Start now takes only 2 to 3 seconds.
  • The server is now more robust and should no longer lock up is one SDR is defective.
  • Found reason why the server can lock up with USB SDRs: if the SDR stops responding the whole server was locked.
  • Added extra checks when assigning channels to incoming connections.
  • Tidied up the logfile.

Step Menu

  • Added direct link to Options, Options explain how to scroll and snap.
Step Menu, Options.jpg


  • Added Step sizes of 15kHz and 20kHz.

User Interface

  • Added Magna and Plasma colour schemes.
  • When a Resolution of ÷ 2, ÷ 4, ÷ 8 is selected for the Waterfall it is also applied to the Spectrum display – this is now restored correctly when restarting.
Simon Brown :shock:
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