sBitx v2

The 40 watt High Performance SDR for the tinkers, DXers and field operators

Buy Now » | Download  the source code The sBitx is an open source, high performance Hybrid SDR for the 21st century radio amateurs. Powered by an internal Raspberry Pi 4, it has CW/RTTY/PSK31/SSB and FT8 with logging software, macros, spotting in-built.

Brief Specifications

Frequency Receive; 500 KHz to 30 MHz, Transmit: 3500-4000, 7000-7300,10000-10150, 14000-14350, 18000-18200, 21000-21450, 24800-25000, 28000-29700 (KHz)
Power Output 40 watts on 80M – 20M, 30 watts higher bands
Power Consumption Receive: 600 mA Transmit : 9A
VFOs Two VFOs A and B, with split operation, tunable in steps of 100 KHz, 10 KHz, 1 KHz, 100Hz and 10 Hz. Direct frequency entry from the keyboardRIT : Receiver incremental tuning +/- 25 KHz Split operation: Cross band
Band stacking 4 frequencies/modes on each band, selectable by repeatedly pressing the band switch.
Modes USB, LSB, CW, CW-Reverse, RTTY(45), PSK31, FT8 (with on-display decoding and sending) 2-Tone test signal for intermodulation testing and PEP measurements.
Logging Built-in logger with N1MM format macros, Auto incremental Exchange number of contesting.
Recording Record your QSOs int WAV format files
Third party apps Fldigi: FLdigi intergrated via xml-rpc. Queries your contact’s callsign on
Receiver Noise Figure: +15 dB, IIP3 : +28 dBm
Transmitter Upto 40 watts of variable output power Better than -43 dBc suppression of spurious signals Speech compression on SSB
Telnet  Connects to RBN and DX clusters from the radio

The sBitx-v2 measures 10″x 6″ x 2″ and weights about 4 pounds (2Kgs)

Buy the Fully Assembled sBitx-v2 $499 (+shipping 30 USD)