Neue Version 3.3 Build 3048 – SDR-Console von Simon Brown


These kits have been tested by the developer (!) and test team but may still have bugs; please report errors and ask questions in the support forums. Beta kits give you an opportunity to see new features; you can always return to the current release if needed. Once a beta kit is stable it will be officially released.

Version 3.3 Build 3048

August 1st, 2023. Download 💾 links at the end of this section

External Radio

Found some serious stupidity with External Radio support, have rewritten part of the code. May have been responsible for crashes etc.

Airspy Server

Tweaked the Airspy server support.


Initial downconverter support.


Added SPECTRAN V6 support via RTSA and SDK.


  • Fixed buffer overflow in the server when using a bandwidth > 5 MHz. I often use the Airspy R2 via the LAN at 10 MHz bandwidth and will soon use the Spectran V6 at 25 MHz.
  • When connection to a server using LAN the previous settings are not reset.
  • Lossless compression now uses additional scaling to overcome rounding issues with very low band levels.

Radio Definitions

Added a Copy option to the Radio Definitions window. The converter selection now uses the definition Title, previously the Model. So:

  1. Make a copy of a selected definition,
  2. Use Edit to change the title as required.

So you can now have HL2 (2m), HL2 (70cms) etc. No doubt more follow-up requests will come along.

Playback Navigator

  • Playback Navigator now has frequency at top and bottom of the display,
  • Fixed bug in Playback Navigator where the waterfall was not displayed (rounding issue).

Cleanup Noise Reduction

Added NR5 Cleanup by Joshuah Rainstar – Support!


Fixed problem in all GDI/GDI+ windows when painting a null region, caused program to hang or run very slowly. First detected when AGC response window not fully visible.

Waterfall Shading

Added waterfall shading using the Hillshade algorithm.


Fixes problem recording more than one Broadcast FM receiver if muted.


Upgraded from LAME 3.99.5 to 3.100, this now appears to work properly when recording two or more receivers simultaneously.


When a backup fails a message is displayed (Ribbon Bar, Tools, Settings, Backup, Backup).

Download 💾 Version 3.3 Build 3048



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