Thetis v2.10.3.5 Pre-Release-5 von Richie MW0LGE
Thetis v2.10.3.5 Vorabversion-5
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!! CW Warnung !!
Wenn Sie CW verwenden und unterschiedliche RX- und TX-Antennenanschlüsse konfiguriert haben, besteht die Gefahr, dass kurzzeitig die volle HF-Leistung am RX-Anschluss anliegt. Dies kann zur Beschädigung empfindlicher Geräte führen, die an den RX-Port angeschlossen sind, wie z. B. aktive Antennen und dergleichen. Diese Situation kann auftreten, wenn Sie das CWX-Formular, serielles Keying/PTT und an das Funkgerät angeschlossene Standard-Hardwaretasten verwenden. Dieses Problem wird derzeit untersucht und besteht in Thetis schon seit vielen Jahren. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, den Fortschritt zu verfolgen, können Sie hier auf GitHub mehr darüber lesen.
Hinweis: Sie können diese Versionshinweise erneut aufrufen, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche im Einrichtungsformular auf der Registerkarte Allgemein -> H/W-Auswahl klicken.
Bitte melden Sie alle Probleme auf GitHub hier.
v2.10.3.5 Pre-Release Change Log
- [add] midi device DJ2GO2 Touch MIDI is now handled uniquely, and main sliders will have values reversed
- [add] mox/ptt time out timer functionality in Options2 tab
- [add] amp view will restore size if set to ’show on startup‘
- [add] new Cat/Midi support for Quick Play/Record by Sigi DH1KLM
- ZZQA 1/0 QuickPlay
- ZZQB 1/0 QuickRecord
- [add] new option to apply 31dB tx attenuation when output power is increased and PS-A is on
- [add] dBm text colour appearance option for noise floor line
- [add] option to show/hide multimeter containers
- [add] can now use vsql from andromeda analogue slider window. The sql buttons are now tri state, sqloff, sql, vsql
- [add] cmASIO feature for ‚power users‘. See included documentation in the install folder/start menu
- [add] cmASIO icon on status bar. Green if ok and in use. Red if there is a problem.
- [add] someone in red might show up when it snows from now until the 26th Dec
- [add] option in VAC1 to cause VOX to use MIC instead of VAC
- [add] option to stop RX1/2 waterfall on TX
- [add] status bar icons for tci, cat serial, cat tcp/ip, n1mm
- [add] option in options2 tab to auto power on at startup
- [add] buttons [=] for RX1/RX2 waterfall and spectrum grid to copy current low/high min/max to all other bands
- [fix] lin waterfall palettes should now look better
- [fix] fix an issue which would prevent manually changing TX filter in setup form, it would try to ‚validate‘ whilst typing new value
- [fix] fix collapsed andromeda sql gain sliders from behaving erratically
- [fix] thin notches would not clear single pixel carriers from waterfall if visual approximation was used
- [fix] re-write of the usb-bcd code so that only the device in use is opened/closed as equired. Also recovers state at startup
- [fix] fix issue where if diversity gain/phase locks are on changing band would overwrite the new band with the locked values. Now new band values are applied then locked if needed
- [fix] menu bar has text size fixed like all other control so size/height does not change with OS text scale. Fixes cut off vfoA/B group box labels
- [fix] scope time base differences between RX and TX should be resolved
- [fix] Protocol 1 MAC address now correcly obtained from the discovery packet sent from the radio on port 1024. P1 MAC addy starts at byte 3, not byte 5
- [fix] fixed an issue that caused the spectral area to be recentred for rx1+rx2 when shift was held to peform a ZTB for RX2
- [change] wav file recording volume is normalised to ignore RX AF. Note: when muted/0vol recording is ’silent‘
- [change] finder will now gather info using multiple threads at a time. Some users were reporting startup time delay
- [change] skinserver now attempts to select skin when downloaded and shows ‚wait‘ mouse pointer whilst changing
- [change] sql reworked to fix collapsed view analogue slider issues. Will require you to setup your sql/vsql levels again
- [change] protocol tri state checkbox changed over to 3 radio buttons, one to select each protocol, and one to select auto
- [change] vfosync in diversity form now mirrors state at top of main console
- [change] scope display time is now in ms, and will take that long to fill the width of the view
Assets 4
- 42 MB 2023-12-18T10:11:49Z110 Bytes 2023-12-18T10:12:18Z2023-12-18T10:04:46Z